The disciples cried out, “Lord, teach us to pray!” Jesus showed his disciples how to pray.
Let us share with you how you can teach your church the key to revival.
Learn from our experience through over 20 years of urban church planting, saving you time and energy to invest back into your people and city.
Free training resources, with biblical vision, teaching, and practical tools?
Yes, we are sharing it all with you.
Disrupt your prayers
TWO FREE CHAPTERS of Disruptive Prayer.
Rise above self-focused stress-relief prayer, and discover the adventure of Disruptive Prayer: Christ-seeking, kingdom-expanding prayer.
Lord’s prayer personal prayer template
How to grow your personal prayer life beyond urgencies, to reflect the ever-expanding priorities on Jesus’ heart for you and the world.
Personal Evaluation of a prayer leader
Assess where your current prayer leadership so that you can grow in leading others in Christ-centered kingdom-expanding prayer.
How to deepen a conversation with a seeker friend
Move beyond getting stuck on superficial conversations with unbelieving friends, to get to the heart of the matter.
How to Prayer Walk
This simple prayer tool will open up a whole new world of prayer, powerfully changing your neighbourhood and your relationship to your city.
How to Pray for the heart of your city
How to pray beyond the urgencies and challenges of a city, bringing Christ to the heart of your city.